Tuesday, February 26, 2008

so bored with these games.

well, aforesaid snow storm hath cometh, meaning I'm stuck in the house with nothing to do except play games with my little brothers. (well, actually, I'm typing a new post for my blog at the moment...)
I had my very first starbucks product yesterday. I had a chai tea Frappuchino. (I can't shoot coffee, ok?!?!) it was pretty good. unfortunately, it had these little chunks of ice in it. I'm not sure if those were supposed to be there, or if the person who made it was new on the job.

ˆhere's me sipping the thing.

ˆyeah, it was delish!


Annika said...

It's supposed to have chunks, because you got it iced. I usually get a Cafe Vanilla frappuccino, which is kinda like that.

Anonymous said...


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