Friday, July 27, 2007

this is sad.

this is very sad. I haven't been doing ANYTHING interesting, so I haven't been able to post much. who wants to read a bland topic? oops, sorry. guess I made a bland topic. also, it seems like I haven't been getting NEARLY as many E-mails as I used to... maybe most people are on vacation? lucky.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

in french would this be a "moiz"?

bweeheehee, I went and got one as well. of course. anyway if YOU get one, be sure to type my name!

cute, huh? lol!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

water bomb pics-sad. :(

sad, huh? actually it was pretty cool making it though....

fun at the fair!

yesterday, me ,my brothers, my mom, my aunt, and my two cosins went to the fair! :P first we went to look at the animals. there were rabbits, and horses, and even these weird cross-breed turkens. yes, turkens. but best of all were the rides!!! there was the tilt-a-whirl (where I found this cool pink motorazr! (:<) and the sizler, and the screamer. I didn't go on the screamer because I went on it two years ago. that was horrible. before we left, we had to follow our tradition and grab us some shakes at the dairy bar!!!! it was hot, so we had to eat them fast. over all, we had a fantastic time!

Friday, July 6, 2007

4th of July!

this year, our 4th of july was a fun one. we went to my grammy's house and my aunt, uncle, and cousins were there! we went out on the paddle boat on center lake, but we got stuck out at sea because the chain came off the sprocket. my aunt Jen and Uncle Chris had to tow us back in the canoe. we went to the beach, and we dug this really deep hole and filled it with water. FUNNNNN!!!!! :D finally it was night and we got to set off fireworks! :D we set off bottle rockets and fountain fireworks and played with sparklers. the next day we celebrated my little brothers' birthday with cake and gifts. they had a blast! we all had a blast! :DDDD